ISSN 2709-2402 (Print)ISSN 2789-3367 (Online)
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ISSN 2709-2402 (Print)
ISSN 2789-3367 (Online)

An Analysis of Gut Bacterial and Fungal Community Interactions in Saxifraga stolonifera Curt.-Treated Mice
Yanan Yang, Xiaohui Zhao, Linen Zou, Weiying Lu, Xiaopo Zhang, Chongming Wu
2023, 3(2): 65-73. DOI: 10.54457/DR.202302003
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Secretome of Dental Pulp-Derived Stem Cells Reduces Inflammation and Proliferation of Glioblastoma Cells by Deactivating Mapk-Akt Pathway
Prateeksha Prateeksha, Md Sariful Islam Howlader, Surajit Hansda, Prathyusha Naidu, Manjusri Das, Faten Abo-Aziza, Hiranmoy Das
2023, 3(2): 74-86. DOI: 10.54457/DR.202302006
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Determination of mRNA Targets of miR-376c within the RNA-Induced Silencing Complex
Ines Stevic, Heidi Schwarzenbach
2023, 3(2): 87-92. DOI: 10.54457/DR.202302002
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Anti-Cancer Agents Work in Antagonism with Inhibitors of HSP 72
Muneera Mohamed Sahib, Paolo Marsico, John H.H. Williams
2023, 3(2): 93-100. DOI: 10.54457/DR.202302004
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Review on Tumour Microenvironment Cell Types Associated with Metastatic Cancer
Srirupa G. Choudhary, Pravin D. Potdar
2023, 3(2): 101-109. DOI: 10.54457/DR.202302001
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Updating CAR-T Cell Immunotherapy for Liquid and Solid Tumor
Ankita Singh, Pravin D. Potdar
2023, 3(2): 110-120. DOI: 10.54457/DR.202302005
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Is Preoperative Radiotherapy Necessary for Resectable Locally Advanced Squamous Cell Esophageal Carcinoma?
Bicheng Wang
2023, 3(2): 121-122. DOI: 10.54457/DR.202302007
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Tumour Microenvironment in Therapy of Metastatic Cancer
Pravin D. Potdar
2023, 3(2): 123-125. DOI: 10.54457/DR.202302008
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